domingo, 4 de noviembre de 2012

New Posts caming up soon!! Stay tuned, like Simone ;) 

12 comentarios:

  1. omg I love your blog :D
    Keep spreading the hate for this stoopid slut. <3

  2. hahaha, Im trying to show who she really is, many people ignore what she shows of her true self, she is so commercial and she is actually not a metal girl or even a rocker she cares more about make up and clothes than music, nature or anything and she is so self absorbed and she even thinks she is better than everybody mostly better than the latin people which is sad because hispanic and latin people are the one who made her famouse and who adore her and makes good publicity about her.

    1. I didn't know about the designer clothes and the make up haha! but I definitely saw in this pics a completely different angle of what everyone else see in her concerts. So fake.

      She thinks and acts like if she was better that other singers, of course she's not. She lacks the pasion and the talent. Is a shame people falls by her appearance. I don't know about you, but exactly how come she's so "pretty"??? She's not a beauty, if people thinks the opposite, must be for the tons of make up she-always-use.

      You can ask any of Epica fans why they like this band so much and the first thing they say "because Simone is such a beauty/hottie"... seriously, dude? Are you conscious that you're listening this crappy band because you have a boner everytime you see this skank? Well, fuck you.

      I hope one day people realize that this band is nothing and that they are worship a whore who doesn't deserves it. There are tons of awesome metal bands out there, with really talented singers and that bands doesn't have to resorting to a make up vagina to selling records.

      And it's sad because this stupid people spend his money in their albums and go to their concerts, but hey, at least it's not our money!

  3. Its so ironic ¿have you seen this video?
    es tan ironico ¿has visto este video?

    1. I saw the video but I don't know what happened exactly, she was rude with them or..?

      But I read a comment where they mention how intolerate she is. I guess her "fans" likes she treats them like trash. But that just makes her ego grows. How stupid, she didn't realize that the day people get tired of her diva actitude, they will run it from the band.

      Oh! and sorry if I didn't express myself to well, but english isn't my mother languaje n_nU

  4. hola.. puedes hablar en español, me comunico mucho mejor en ése idioma porque es mi lengua materna :)

  5. Why are you speeding false lies? She is beautiful with and without music. Idk who you’ve been talking to, or why you hate her so much (since your reasoning is pretty ridiculous), but the first thing most people say when asked why they like Epica from people like you is because of her vocals and the instrumentals. They are metal, you don’t have to scream and growl to perform metal. Joke is on you because they’re still going strong. She’s a sweet person, and whatever racist accusations heard were fake, which is why the video got taken down. She isn’t racist. My friend is Mexican, me being russian. She greeted and hugged the both of us. Maybe you’re just jealous of a talented woman who looks and sounds like a princess.

  6. *spreading, *with and without makeup.

  7. how anyone could ever post such drivvle and blind hatred about this beautiful sophisticated creature is beyond me, she is the epitomy of class personified, and a woman who any gentleman would be proud to have on his arm. Stunning blue oceans peering from a flawless skin, surrounded by a personality that just oozes gentleness and love. those who would criticise her are not only jealous, but insane ... your Kev

  8. I have realized I was stupid and envious but since some years I have changed my perspective, before I made this blog I loved Epica and even more Simone Simons, and nowadays I still love Epica as what it was before. However, in 2012 I enter this dark and sad time, I ended up doing a bunch of stupid stuff, like this blog and since many years after that I have felt bad about it and I have regrated it. I also wrote a public apology to all of them especially to my beloved Simone.

    Dear Epica band members,
    After many years of regretting my awful past behavior, I want to make a public apology to all of you Epica band members I am very sorry to all you good souls! I have never really hated any of you I have always admired you all, especially Simone what her real and natural self, has seem to be like; Simone you have inspired me to sing (even if I don’t do it that well, I learn that I really enjoy singing even if it is only for myself) and to appreciate beauty and art in different aspects. For instance, I learned what is like to enjoy and admire a different music genre, a certain type of clothes style that I didn´t think I would and thanks to all of you and your music I could experience how it is like to express ones feelings through beautiful songs, those that in my opinion come from what matters more in life, our inner world and our evolution to be better, what makes us stronger and more resilient and for us to become kinder humans beings.

    The apology continues in this new blog, this is the link:
